Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Playing the hand your delt

No matter how I look at it where ever I am the hand I was delt is the one I must play. When compareing a poker hand to life how can I know if I threw out an ace as a bluff?

The Holy Spirit

I word splurge when I have ideas I want to comprehend. Looking in a dictionary is a place for me to start. I like to think of simular words too. Breaking unknown ideas down to more simplistic ideas. This study is on the idea of Holy Spirit. Word Splurge or word connections follow.

Holy,good,well intending, opposite of hate; good spirit, spirit of love intent, spirit of no hate.

Spirit-can't smell, hear, taste, or touch can't feel Not really an emotion but equated to love. Spirit not flesh.

Saying of Jesus,"the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have read recently that there are several types of learning I am going to ask around to see how many schools use knowledge such as this to benifit the students.

They are as follows

words (linguistic intelligence)

numbers or logic (logical-mathematical intelligence)

pictures (spatial intelligence)

music (musical intelligence)

self-reflection (intrapersonal intelligence)

a physical experience (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence)

a social experience (interpersonal intelligence), and/or

an experience in the natural world. (naturalist intelligence)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pursuit of happiness

Do all really get a equal chance and liberty and happiness? I have heard it exclaimed don't be a cry baby if you got placed on the wrong side of the tracks. I have heard the same thing said many ways. I have heard things taken out of perspective far too often than I care to further ignore. The problems don't go away by ignoring them. People can and do effect each other. They can encourage each other or say things that can put others in despair.

There are indeed environments where despare is an hourly and daily occurrence. Can one really overcome this in THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS?